

Sam Shriver
  • Retired Lieutenant Junior Grade and a graduate of the USCGA Class of 1978 (B.S. in History and Government). Also received Master of Business Administration (Pepperdine) and Doctor of Education (North Carolina State University)
  • Served 5 years in the USCG. Also has over 40 years of experience in Leadership Development. Author of four books and hundreds of training industry articles and blogs. Currently the Executive Vice President of Thought Leadership and Training Transfer at The Center for Leadership Studies
  • Lives in Durham, North Carolina with his wife Maureen
  • Involved with The Random Act of Kindness Tour because:
     “I haven’t acknowledged it nearly enough over the years…but my life has been blessed…truly! Parents! Friends! Wife and family! The opportunity to reunite with some of those friends, and at the same time help people that need help, is a way to tangibly thank all of the people that were randomly so kind to me…so often…and at every stage of life”.
Maureen Shriver
  • Graduated from the University of San Diego and married into the USCGA Class of 1978 in June of 1983.
  • Has had a 40+ year career in a variety of different capacities in the leadership development industry. Is currently the Chief Financial Officer and Chief Executive Officer of the Center for Leadership Studies and Performance Impact.
  • Lives in Durham, North Carolina with husband Sam…but much more importantly in close proximity to her three children and five grandchildren.
  • Involved with The Random Act of Kindness Tour because:
    “It is a well-intended entity with a noble purpose…and the funds raised will get directly to the people they are targeted to help”
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